Dieudonné Fortune GNANGUENON Africa Health Tech Summit 2023 - Kigali Introduction ** Kaikai had the opportunity to participate in the Africa Health Tech Summit 2023 ( None [1] #AHTS2023 ), which took place from October 17-19 in Kigali. Co-hosted by Africa CDC and ... AHTS2023 Interoperability digitalization eHealth Nov 30, 2023
Ariane Kouassi Artificial Intelligence and Health Café eSanté #33 - Artificial Intelligence and Health We recently co-hosted a webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Health on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 as part of Café eSanté #33. Panelists discussed th... caféeSanté33 eHealth eSanté innovation intelligenceartificielle May 26, 2023
Mamadou Djigo IHE for Senegal? A look back at the IHE training week Invest for Jobs [1] * is the Special Training and Employment Initiative, which aims to remove barriers to investment in African partner countries and create more and better jobs. P art of their ... Interoperability Senegal eHealth ihe Mar 24, 2023